Friday, May 10, 2013

Busy month, April was.

We had a wonderful trip to Aroostook County late last month. On the 24th and 25th I played two solo concerts, at the University of Maine branches at Presque Isle and Fort Kent. The program, which I titled American Landscapes, included:

Excursions    Samuel Barber

Thoreau (Mvt. IV of the Concord Sonata)    Charles E. Ives

Three Pieces for Piano   Morton Feldman

Three Preludes    George Gershwin

Mad Rush   Philip Glass

Seascape   Scott Brickman

Variations on Amazing Grace   John Newell

Scott Brickman is a wonderful composer who teaches at Fort Kent. I really enjoyed playing the first performances of Scott's Seascape, which he wrote for me.

The following week I participated in a concert by the University of Machias Chorale, under the direction of Gene Nichols. The group did a superb job in performing five of my choral works.